Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180
Nagaland State Mineral Corporation Ltd.
Project Details
Nagaland has a larger number of educated unemployed youths, one among the highest in the Country. Unemployment as per Periodic Labour Force survey put the state unemployment at 24.7% in 2019-20. Since stone products usage is high in the State, The Corporation desires to set up a training centre for stone works wherein to tap the abundant availability of stone mineral resources in the state. The project would generate employment opportunity and source of income for the unemployed youths by enhancing the employability of individuals through improving technical and practical skills.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Skill Development & Emloyment Generation
Targeted Beneficiaries
BPL, Women, children, rural, youth etc
Proposed Activities
To train Naga youths in various stone skills and technology and employability.To set up different kinds of stone works training like Sculpturing, tile laying & wall cladding,engraving,hollow block making,paver making etc.
12 Months
Total Fund requirement (in INR)
Point of Contact (Tel. no.& Email id)
M.No- 6009379732 Email- idan.nagaland@gmail.com