Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180
Eleutheros Christian Society (ECS)
Project Details
Tuensang town is the main economic centre and the urban financial distress reflects on the rural side also. The migrated daily wage earners from rural to the Town were rendered jobless and were forced to return to villages which in addition created unemployment problems in the villages as Kharif season is already in its midways period. It is evident that this migration is and will cause food security problems in the rural villages. Considering the complexity of the situation it is imperative that action-oriented interventions like growing high nutritional crops and vegetable production can augment the emerging crisis.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
livelihood enhancement & Employment generation
Targeted Beneficiaries
BPL, rural, etc
Proposed Activities
1. The program will diversify crops and production system in turn generate surplus which will bring revenues for the rural farmers in mitigating their suppressed economy 2. All income- oriented agariculture needs imntensified labor inputs thereby generates employment opportunity.One optimistic expected outcome of the proposed intervention will generate employments not only for the rural farmers but also for those re-migrated daily wage earners from town to villages.
12 Months
Total Fund requirement (in INR)
Point of Contact (Tel. no.& Email id)
M.No- 6009379732 Email- idan.nagaland@gmail.com