A detail intensive and comprehensive study and documentation of Rani Gaidinliu during her stay at Poilwa, the Headquarter of her Zeliangrong movement 1932 till her arrest on 18th oct 1932
Project Details
The project will propose the Govt. of Nagaland to incorporate the story of Rani Gaidinliu in academic students history textbook after documentation, promote educational purpose on the history and Legacy of Ranima, Rural source of livelihood will enhanced through Tourism. Many Tourist is expected after documentation because of immense history of her stay in Poilwa building her Fortress, armies, war gates etc and can be declared as World Heritage Sites through UNESCO.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Targeted Beneficiaries
BPL, Women, children, youth, rural, etc
Proposed Activities
1. Promotional activities on tourism, rich cultural Heritage and Natural wealth. 2. Rural Development and Economic empowerment. 3. Research, Documentation, Health and Women empowerment. 4. All human Resource Development