Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180
Administrative Training Institute
Project Details
ATI conducts various week-long trainings by visiting the districts. At present scenario, district visits for training include long term planning and preparedness in which districts are visited once or twice annually. Although these district visits are very successful and effective, it still requires some flexibility such as timing and availability of the trainers on need based basis. To tackle these limitations and to ensure the availability of learning environment for employees across the state and beyond, Video Conferencing facility at ATI will play an important role. With VC facility in place, meetings and training sessions can be scheduled and conducted more frequently in addition to long-planned rigid district visits. To achieve this, VC at ATI can connect with the available VC facilities at all the District Administration Offices provided by NIC across the state of Nagaland. This facility will also help in having follow up interactions with the district employees on the physical trainings held annually which will mitigate the expense of resources for the department and the State.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Targeted Beneficiaries
BPL, Women, children, rural, youth etc
Proposed Activities
1. Get better access to Remote Learning, Virtual connect Districts in Nagaland for Training & Follow-ups 2. Impart and also attend Virtual Training and Meetings locally and/or globally 3. Give wider perimeter voverage to existing Wi-Fi Facility
12 Months
Total Fund requirement (in INR)
Point of Contact (Tel. no.& Email id)
M.No- 6009379732 Email- idan.nagaland@gmail.com