Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180
District Administration
Project Details
Niuland had been a sub-division under Dimapur district since 1987 with no infrastructure. The basic source of income is mainly agricultural produce and plantation like Betel (Areca) nuts, tea, coffee, rubber and various horticultural products. But due to lack of marketing venue, the products are being sold through middle man at a lower price. The marketing shed at Niuland will greatly boost the income of the farmers where 90% of the population are rural farmers and rely on day to day sale of their agricultural produce. It will also enhance their income by way of elimination of middlemen and direct sale to consumers. This project will also help the farmers dispose-off their agricultural produce at a faster pace and enhance the rural economy as well.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Rural Development
Targeted Beneficiaries
BPL, Women, children, rural, youth etc
Proposed Activities
To promote local production and its connectivity to local market (1) Market shed construction (2) Boundary/protection wall for market shed.
12 Months
Total Fund requirement (in INR)
Point of Contact (Tel. no.& Email id)
M.No- 6009379732 Email- idan.nagaland@gmail.com