Improving livelihood opportunities of unemployed youths through Bitter Beans (Parkia speciosa) farming
District Administration
Project Details
Tseminyu is economically underdeveloped. A considerable section of the rural youths often grapples with limited opportunities for gainful employment and sustainable income generation, primarily because of lack of requisite education, lack of enabling and sustainable means of income generation, poor financial background or because of a combination of these factors, or other limitations. Government avenues are also limited. Cultivation of bitter or stinky beans (Parkia speciosa), locally called as Yangchak, has been a commercially profitable venture. Bitter beans farming will serve as an alternative and sustainable means of economic activity and livelihood support. Despite the availability of land, many unemployed youths in the rural areas are unable to seriously take up such economic activities because of the unavailability of capital fund. Therefore, a dedicated project of bitter beans cultivation through the initiative of CSR funding will go a long way in improving the livelihood opportunities of the many unemployed rural youths.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Livelihood enhancement
Targeted Beneficiaries
Women, rural, youth etc
Proposed Activities
• To target and support economically weaker sections of unemployed rural youths from a select list of villages under Tseminyu for the purpose of bitter beans farming.
• To improve the livelihood opportunities of the target population through bitter beans farming and in turn contribute to the employment and economic activities of the district and beyond.