Solar Street Lighting as Renewable Energy solutions
District Administration
Project Details
Power supply to Tseminyu is fed through 33kv line feeder located in Wokha district. Apart from facing woefully inadequate power supply, power outages are frequent and common in Tseminyu. Lighting of streets and public places in Tseminyu is virtually nil or insignificant. Despite the increased requirement for lighting the streets and public places in Tseminyu, drawing power from the existing power grid is neither reliable nor viable because of the foregoing reasons and also because of unavailability of fund. On the other hand, solar lighting is not only environmentally friendly and sustainable but also reliable with zero implications on the existing state power load. In the absence of other alternative sources, CSR investment in this project becomes the only practical solution. Hence, the need for the project.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Renewable Energy Solutions
Targeted Beneficiaries
BPL, Women, children, rural, youth etc
Proposed Activities
• To procure or receive through CSR initiative 400 units of 50W Solar Street Lights (complete set) to be distributed and installed on the streets of Tseminyu Town and all the 39 recognised villages of the district.
• To improve the lighting system and enhance pedestrian / vehicular movement and security at night in Town and village areas with the installed solar street lights serving as an environmentally friendly and long-term renewable source of light energy.