Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180
District Administration
Project Details
Since the time of ancestors, Longra villagers have been practicing primitive type of shifting cultivation where all activities were carried out manually. The system of terrace cultivation was introduced in the village for the first time in 1955. The village had celebrated 50 years Golden Jubilee of terrace cultivation in January, 2005. Now, terrace cultivation is adopted by all the 236 households of the village. Power tillers and Bulls are used for ploughing the soil.Altogether 20,000 tins of paddy are produced from the field annually which is sufficient enough to sustain the needs of the villagers. Sale of surplus paddy to the market outside is very marginal due to transportation bottleneck. The said terrace field is aptly regarded by the villagers as the Rice Bowl and the source of all livelihood needs for them. Besides paddy, other cash crops like vegetables, fish, fruits like oranges, banana, Pine apple, Guava, Jackfruit, etc., and sugarcane are also abundantly grown here. Unfortunately, the surpluses of all these produces are mostly wasted because of absence of market linkages.The entire terrace cultivation area is divided into two zones namely Asekong Sector and Jilongjong Sector. The Chima River feeds both the sectors for irrigation purposes. The river splits up into two equal sized rivers just above the terrace cultivation area and flows down one across Asekong Sector and the other across Jilongjong Sector.During monsoon, the villagers used to put up temporary foot bridges over both the rivers and irrigation channels at two locations with locally available materials like bamboo and wooden posts for their daily movements but they last only for one season.Now majority of the farmers have taken up fishery ponds in this area. These local ponds are fed by fish seed ling produced locally on the spot by some trained villagers. A reserved forest is also being promoted near this Terrace field where hunting of animals and birds are totally prohibited by the village authority.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Rural Development
Targeted Beneficiaries
whole village
Proposed Activities
For ease of transportation of paddy and all produces from their fields to the village by vehicles in place of present practice of carrying head load with high costs and consuming long time.
12 Months
Total Fund requirement (in INR)
Point of Contact (Tel. no.& Email id)
M.No- 6009379732 Email- idan.nagaland@gmail.com