Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180
District Administration
Project Details
Located in the eastern most corner of the country, the state of Nagaland borders Burma and falls in the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot.Wokha district, home of the Lotha Naga tribe, is situated in the mid-west part of Nagaland and adjoins the Sibsagar plains of Assam on the west. The elevation ranges from around 100m (areas adjoining Assam) to the highest point of 1800m (Mt. Tiyi). Mt. Tiyi has been a natural fortress since time immemorial, with immense ecological functions especially in regulating the hydrological function for Wokha town.However, in the recent years, the mountain peak has seen rapid loss of vegetative cover due to anthropogenic activities. This has caused drastic changes in the environment, in addition to loss of biodiversity.Nevertheless, efforts have been made by various stakeholders, led by Wokha Forest Division to restore the vegetative cover, along with protecting the rich biodiversity. This project would aim to further strengthen these efforts in restoring Mt.Tiyi to the fortress it has always been known for, thereby also improving the ecological services it provides to the thousands of inhabitants of Wokha town and adjoining villages.
Area of Operations
Thematic Area
Conservation of Natural Resources
Targeted Beneficiaries
whole village
Proposed Activities
• Restoring Mt. Tiyi to its ecological past glory. • Ensuring continued ecosystem services by means of reforestation works. • Conserve and protect the environment
12 Months
Total Fund requirement (in INR)
Point of Contact (Tel. no.& Email id)
M.No- 6009379732 Email- idan.nagaland@gmail.com