Capital Convention Center, Kohima
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM
+91 370 221180

EDC is for creating Innovation in the Education System

  • To promote start- up culture and innovation amongst the youth in Nagaland, Nagaland Start-up Policy states that the Government should establish Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) in schools and colleges. The Department of Industries and Commerce has chosen Edu centre School of Business to set up Entrepreneurship Development Centres (EDCs) in education institutions across Nagaland.
  • Initiatives Program Under Start-up Nagaland Policy
  • Supported by Investment & Development Authority of Nagaland (IDAN)


1.     To look at entrepreneurship as a career Option.

2.     To get the Birds view on business and also launch their ideas into actions especially taking over the risk, and the specificities as well as the pattern of entrepreneurship development

3.     To contribute to their entrepreneurial and managerial potentials.


Ongoing EDC Project:

  1. Peren Government College Peren
  2. Sao Chang College, Tuensang